Simple Lua
A Simple C++ Lua Wrapper
No Matches
Simple Lua

The goal is simple-lua is to provide an easy and quick interface for using Lua scripts in C++.

Getting Started


To build the library, first clone from the repository with

git clone

Then, in your CMakeLists.txt add


You can expose your project to the library with

target_link_directories(PROJECT_NAME PRIVATE simple-lua)

CMake Options

There are three important options: 1) -DSL_BUILD_LIB=ON is on by default, but you can choose not to build the library (for example if you only want documentation) 2) -DSL_UNIT_TESTS=ON will build the unit tests (requires the library), which includes pulling the googletest repository, run ctest to actually run the tests 3) -DSL_BUILD_DOCS=ON will build the documentation, which includes pulling doxygen-awesome which is used for basic formatting

Basic Usage

To learn the Lua scripting language, check out this page. Once you have a script you're ready to integrate into your C++ program (and have set up the subdirectory with cmake), all you need to do is include #include <SL/Lua.hpp> at the top of your file.

The lifetime of a Lua script is SL::Runtime, which can be created by

SL::Runtime runtime("[[PATH TO LUA SCRIPT]]");
Represents a single Lua runtime.
Definition Runtime.hpp:17

You can also create a runtime, specifying SL::Lib::Base libraries with (more on this here)

auto runtime = SL::Runtime::create<LibA, LibB>("[[PATH TO LUA SCRIPT]]");
static Runtime create(const std::string &filename)
Creates a runtime with the given Libraries loaded into it.
Definition Runtime.hpp:122

Error Checking

All types returned from SL::Runtime methods are SL::Results of some kind. These objects can be casted to bool (or called good()) to determine if an error occured. If it does return false you can print the error message. Utilizing the SL_ASSERT macro, we can check with

SL_ASSERT(runtime, "An error occured creating the runtime: " << res.error().message());

Supported Types

It is advised that when getting values from an SL::Runtime or SL::Table that you only use the types described in TypeMap.hpp, that is

  • SL::String is std::string
  • SL::Number is float
  • SL::Boolean is bool
  • SL::Function is int (*)(SL::State)
The getting/setting of a void* pointer is also technically supported, but not super well. It is not meant to be used in a way that involves accessing data from Lua, but instead for the case of serializing the an object an retaining its identity by storing its location in memory so that you can deserialize it and access it from C++. More about this workflow is talked about later


Globals are values in the global scope in a Lua script like

GlobalValue = 4.0

You can access the value with

const SL::Runtime::Result<SL::Number> res = runtime.getGlobal<SL::Number>("GlobalValue");
std::cout << *res << "\n";
Basic way to return a value or an error.
Definition Result.hpp:37

prints 4.

The types can get rather verbose with the nested structs and namespaces, so it's common to simply do
const auto res = runtime.getGlobal<SL::Number>("GlobalValue");

Lua Functions

We can call functions in the global scope like

function GetNumber()
return 42

by calling the SL::Runtime::runFunction method. This method returns an std::tuple of the types specified in the call to runFunction which are the return types of the Lua function. The types have to match in type and count, otherwise you'll get errors. The return of this function is itself a result, so you can capture the errors and do what you need with them. To execute this Lua function we'd write

const auto res = runtime.runFunction<SL::Number>("GetNumber");
SL_ASSERT(res, "Error running function: " << res.error().message());
std::cout << std::get<0>(*res) << "\n";

This prints 42.

C++ Functions from Lua

We can easily put C++ functions in the global scope of a Lua script easily using the SL::Runtime::registerFunction method. Functions implemented in C++ must have a specific signature: that of SL::Function (and must be static). We can create one of these functions

static int cppFunction(SL::State state)

Extracting Arguments

Lua works using a stack, when a function is called the arguments are pushed to the stack. So, to get the arguments passed from Lua, we simply pop the expected types off the top of the stack. The SL::Lib::Base::extractArgs method is helpful for this reason (to avoid the verbosity, we can have our method be a static one inside a struct inheriting from SL::Lib::Base). Then, we run our function. Finally, we push onto the stack the returns and return from the C++ function the count of returned types.

static int cppFunction(SL::State state)
using namespace SL::CompileTime;
// Extract the arguments passed from Lua
const auto [ number ] = extractArgs<SL::Number>(state);
// Push the return (just adding two to what's passed in)
TypeMap<SL::Number>::push(state, number + 2);
// Tell Lua we returned one item
return 1;
Definition TypeMap.hpp:19

We can put this in the global scope of a Lua runtime with

const auto res = runtime.registerFunction("Global", "cppFunction", cppFunction);
SL_ASSERT(res, "Error registering function: " << res.error().message());
Really what this is doing is creating a table in the global scope and inserting the C++ function as a member of it. The name of the table is the first argument and the name of the function the second. Creating a table whose entries are functions is exactly what SL::Lib::Base handles, which is talked about later.

Then, in a Lua function:

function TestCpp(num)
return Global.cppFunction(num)

Finally, we run the Lua function:

const auto res = runtime.runFunction<SL::Number>("TestCpp", 4);
SL_ASSERT(res, "Error running function: " << res.error().message());
SL_ASSERT(std::get<0>(*res) == 6, "Something went wrong");


The only other type missing from the supported types is SL::Table which will more than likely be the most commonly used type.